

See San Francisco through the eyes of artist and columnist 乔治McCalman.

In a city as visually stimulating as San Francisco, an artist never lacks 灵感. 乔治McCalman is an artist and creative director. 他的工作室, McCalman.Co他为一系列客户设计品牌. 此外,他还是the 贝博体彩app纪事报在《贝博体彩app》(Observed)和《贝博体彩》(The Usual)中都有报道." We asked George about his favorite things in San Francisco and what he thinks any visitor to the city must do during their stay.

What does a typical day in San Francisco look like for you?

列个清单. I run a design studio and we have many projects overlapping at any given time. It’s a way to center myself at the start of every day. Then, a mix of production calls, design work, illustration work, meetings, and sketching. 每一天都大不相同.

Which neighborhood in San Francisco do you like to explore, other than your own?

任务 is probably still the most interesting neighborhood visually. It’s an arts district and has more public art than any other neighborhood in the city. 有 隐藏的小巷里的壁画 整个地区.

Where do you indulge your artistic side in San Francisco?

我在外面有一个独立的绘画工作室 夕阳. 它接近于 海滩 我很喜欢. I slow down when I’m out there and tap into a different side of my creativity.

A couple walking down Balmy Alley in the Mission.
A couple walking down Balmy Alley in the Mission.

What is your favorite place in San Francisco to find 灵感?

During the pandemic, my absolute favorite place became 金门公园. It's been a revelation to rediscover a part of San Francisco that I am ashamed to admit that I had taken for granted. On the surface, it's a gigantic natural wonderland located in the center of the city. But underneath all that, it's been an opportunity to commune with nature in a more acute way. I pay more attention to the slowed down rhythms of plant life; the powerful cycle of birth and death and rebirth; and the color palette that continues to inspire me. 有 lessons in the natural world for every human being on Earth.


The freedom to believe your ideas are worthy of putting out into the world.


That I know how to package my own and other people’s ideas. 这是另一种自由.

你喜欢在《贝博体彩》做记者的哪一点 贝博体彩app纪事报?

That I get to learn about the city all over again. It’s a new way to get acquainted with more of San Francisco. 这是一个迷人的时间在城市.

What's your favorite annual event in San Francisco?

福尔松街市. It’s still one of the more publicly subversive festivals in the city. 我们需要它.

典型的福尔瑟姆街头集市参加者 图片来源:Hoodline


我住在 海斯谷 and 我爱 the half streets that pepper my neighborhood. At times, I'll turn the corner and feel like I'm lost in a European city. I've lived in San Francisco for 20 years, and it always feels like a new delight.


日出时 阿拉莫广场公园. 海滩日落. 每一次.

Where would you go for your last meal in San Francisco?

祖尼人咖啡馆. 其他任何选择都无法与之相提并论.

Which restaurant is still on your list to dine at in San Francisco?

我经常在外面吃饭,但还没去过 懒熊.

What are some parts of San Francisco that you wish visitors knew about?

我希望有更多的人来参观 的海景区的 支持这个社区. I like 海斯谷 for its centrality and shopping. 我爱 那边的商店 in 列治文. 托斯卡咖啡馆 和Verjus 北海滩 有这么好的氛围. 我也爱 取得的进展 in 菲尔莫尔. 还有克里斯·菲尔德(Crissy Field).

What should every visitor to San Francisco do at least once?

阿尔卡特拉斯岛. Just because of the view, the history, and the landscape.

Any last final advice for travelers coming to visit San Francisco?

到处走走. 它仍然是最适合步行的地方. 的个性 的社区 还是那么直接地在一楼吗.



Watch McCalman's interview to learn more about how the city by the bay has inspired his life in the latest episode of Queerty's San Francisco Stories

The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


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